Wednesday, May 6, 2020

A Heated Classroom Discussion Affirmative Action Example...

Responding to a Heated Classroom Discussion: Affirmative Action Example The case involves a heated classroom discussion where a teacher, Jeffery Moran opens a discussion on Affirmative Action in the class and the students like Rikki Johnson connected the topic to racism and gender discrimination. Soon the discussion lost its essence and hot moments were created in the class due to radical opinions of the students on the topic. CASE ANALYSIS Question1. What are the situational characteristics relevant to the case? a. Specific context of teaching learning situation Factors affecting Teaching – Strength of the class – 350 Seating arrangement - Lecture hall sloped down steeply from entry doors at top to a stage podium at bottom. Number of lectures duration - 2 lectures per week of 50 minutes duration each Attendance per class - Two third of the strength Factors affecting Learning – State University – located in rural area of Midwestern United States encouraged diversity and civility due to which many white students perceive themselves to be victim of reverse discrimination in the college admission process. Campus Environment – incidents of harassment were observed on campus due to which certain interest groups were formed who criticized the administration for their inadequate response. To protect the students from religious, political ideological discrimination state legislators were in the process of passing the â€Å"Academic Bills of Rights†. b. 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